Creating HTTP redirect files in S3 from local files

Feedback? See Mastodon cross-post. Context You are using AWS S3 in static website hosting mode. You have some URLs on your static site that you want returned as 3xx redirects. You want to use x-amz-website-redirect-location S3 object metadata item to implement these HTTP redirects (documentation). Problem But the tool you are using (perhaps a static site generator like Hugo or Jekyll) does not have a built-in way to set up these S3 redirects....

March 11, 2024

Got a Jolt!

FishEye and Clover won Jolt awards (archive) this year! FishEye in the “Change and Configuration Management” category and Clover in the “Testing Tools” category. They are “the Oscars of our industry” which – for better or for worse – is about right. But I still I have a fondness for the Jolt awards. The first time I saw the awards in Dr Dobbs Journal, I remember thinking how nice it was that this caffeinated beverage company targets us sleep-deprived code monkeys, and gets us enough to award us for our deeds....

March 7, 2008

On Balance

There used to be an SBS program that aired late Saturday nights called Eat Carpet (on wayback). It featured a handful of short films each week and was standard viewing for me for quite a few years after I finished Uni. I don’t know exactly when it was, but it was on Eat Carpet that I saw the best animated short I had ever, and still have ever, seen. After that I would often watch Eat Carpet just on the hope they would show it again....

November 21, 2007

Talking nerdy

So, as I said 3 months ago, I’m now at Atlassian. I couldn’t imagine a workplace more compatible with the old Cenqua lifestyle. I mean, we had a DnD group up and running in the first few weeks! Atlassian has a rich and vibrant technical culture – the internal blogs are pure bliss. And there is always room for a bit of fun, which lead to the following little video blog:...

November 13, 2007

Goodbye, Hello

Today, Atlassian acquired Cenqua. More details here. Kinda seems surreal typing that in. But without a doubt exciting. Certainly seems surreal that I’ll be moving to Sydney, but that is real exciting too. Not much more to say than that at the moment, other than it is full steam ahead on making FishEye, Crucible and Clover kick more arse than ever before. And looking forward to catching up with a lot of the Sydney crowd....

August 1, 2007

Serving one Apache site from two parallel directories

Some of you may say “whytf umofo”, and some may say “I’ve always wanted to be able to do that!”. This hack is for the later, but I will try below to explain to the former why it is useful. If anyone knows of an easier way to do it, please let me know. Apache httpd serves static content out of its DocumentRoot : DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs <Directory /usr/local/apache/htdocs> Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> The contents of that location in the filesystem might look like:...

May 23, 2007

All-knowing, but not all-subscribing

August 29, 2006

Civilization IV here I come

It is probably best to make clear that I’m a hard-core Civilization fan. I’ve spent large slabs of my life playing each of the first three versions, large slabs that are measured in metric tons. Everyone say it with me: just one more turn. So it was always a given that I’d be buying Civilization IV when it came out. And that is not even taking into account how great it actually looks; Python-based mod’s, better multiplayer and team-play, civics, religion and … the removal of corruption!...

October 5, 2005

Space-Time Ray-Tracing using Ray Classification

In 1996, I completed an honours year attached to my Comp. Sci. This involved a thesis, in which I choose to investigate a certain optimization technique in computer graphics. The impressive title of my thesis was: Space-time ray-tracing using ray-classification. I occasionally get the odd email about it, and the ftp server at Macquarie Uni that housed my paper, code and animations is now gone, so I decided it was about time to do a little data dump of my honours project....

July 7, 2005

The start of this worker thread

I was reminded by BMC today of the beginnings of my working life. He and OJB were outstanding mentors for me in my padwan years. I still use their advice every day, particularly the most useful insight BMC ever imparted to me: Don’t mix your busies and your busies. I interviewed for that job in late 1996, and started in January 1997. Knowing that they were looking for someone to jump with them onto the Java bandwagon (now 10 years old), I prepared for the interview by reading the first edition of Java in a Nutshell the night before, and coding up one example Applet....

May 27, 2005